Saturday, August 16, 2014

Another Urgent Prayer Request

Dear all,

John and I have to confess that we are so tired and physically weak. Please do pray for us to lift us up. We know that God is there for us, but the endless issues (both things and people relationships)  are just weighing us down. 

We gave thanks for what has been accomlished, but the fact the we have not got the license is affecting the staff. We already lost one translator because of her physical condition and now we are about the lose the second one because she needs to make more money and also want to go for advanced study. We may also lose the cook (who has worked with us since March) also because of financial issue - need more money. Our administrator who is only 35 years old but have to handle all these people issues but she is at the edge of burnt-out. 

We desperately need God's mighty hand be upon all of us to deal with the challenges we are facing. It is hard to maintain unity when we are so into our individual problems. Everyone feels that they are hurting and no one understand and need to be understood though each one has no time to listen to others.Do help us with prayers so God heals us and correct our wrong notions. Or else before we get the license, we may lose all the staff who are somewhat trained. If we are not licensed soon they will leave us for other jobs so they have an official records for their work experience, which is crucial for their career. Their work book records is crucial for their pension.

All people are already expecting this coming winter will be even harder than the previous because of the energy shortage caused by water shortage which will also affect the generation of electricity. Our natural gas supply is supplied by neighboring country - Uzbekistan, who recently cut her supply in July due to political reasons. Such lack of stabilit yand failure to meet the basic needs really creates panic among the poor people who have every year need to fight against the rising of prices which really hurts the families.

We can't blame the people who want to make more money to support their family, but all these sure make our work almost humanly impossible. Pray that we are wise enough to draw strength from our God and not give up. How often I really think about quitting and I beg for God's forgiveness for being such a person of "little faith"!

May God grant us additional wisdom, mercy and greater faith in Him. 

Love in Him,
Christa & John
Christa Tsai
408-518-2019 (C) USA
996-556-744-286 (C) Kyrgyzstan
skype: christatsai

Saturday, August 9, 2014


感謝各位為我們七月份台灣之行代禱,使我們平安返回。今年六月五日我發現尿血的現象,立即看了吉爾吉斯的本地醫生,她要我馬上尋求境外就醫,進行手術切割。我們作了很快的決定,也不得不為突然的離去安排同工就緒。剛開始我們根本不知道會走開多久,但必需確定幼兒園的同工在沒有我們的情況下,仍能保持工作順利進行。千頭萬緒的雜事,如聯繫台灣醫療機構和醫生、安排飛機和住宿、透過中國辦理簽證等等都是行前必需完成的。感謝神的恩典,我的情況不致惡化,我們在六月十二日平安抵達台灣。長樂在台的表姐Dorothy已經和醫生作好事前的聯繫。我們主內的好姐妹 Fiona,即使在她住處早已擠滿其他宣教士和一些姐妹的情況下,仍然竭誠地接待我們。書田醫院的陳醫生是個很親切的人,當他得知我們是宣教士時,立即給我們開了方便之門,免了我們等侯的時間。攝護腺的手術割除耗時三個小時,陳醫師堅持我必需在台灣休息至少一個月,以便術後觀察。每週的定期檢查,第三週後,我們終於被允許得以返回吉爾吉斯。


目前我們有二位全職的教師和二位來自 IUCA的暑期助理。這樣的安排使我們同工能在暑假時有休息的機會。一旦進入九月份,我們將全面開放,也需要更多的老師和助理。

感謝主,Tokmok團契在Mercy Foundation 的所在地重新開始。有一群中國基督徒願意每週從相距一個半小時車程之遙的Bishkek 前來,與我們一同敬拜。這給我們需要的靈裡的餵養。


1. 我們在三月份就開始申請執照,但仍然面對許多官僚作業的阻撓。這種情況在此早已司空見慣,我們在申請天然氣一事上就花費了半年的功夫,申請有線電話居然花了一年多時間。請為順利獲得執照一事代禱,求神挪去所有攔阻。

2. Sophia 的代理人Zena目前仍臥病醫院—原因是膀胱發炎疼痛,以及可能致病的膀胱結石。實際的病情仍然有待釐清,這也是我們工作所面對的最大挫折,因為在這兒的醫療系統是相當落後的。

3. 我們Montessori的培訓老師 Shirley因母喪必需趕回新加坡。就在她臨行的前一天,被一部計程車撞到。由於擔心延誤回去的航班,連就醫的時間都沒有。她有骨折現象,也傷及大姆指。由於沒有及時就醫,引發了很多的問題。在宣教的工場,許多攻擊層出不窮,請為此代禱,求她能在新加坡得到的治療,並且能夠早日回到我們這兒。

4. 目前我們老師培訓都是針對 3-4歲齡層的幼兒,他們同時也必需受訓來照顧 5-6歲的學齡前兒童。求神幫助我們帶來適當的培訓員到我們當中。

5. 長樂的哥哥 Robert由於健康情況惡化,目前被轉至一所老人院。在美國這樣的機構所費不貲,求神為他家庭預備如此龐大的關照開支。

何長樂, 蔡柏林

CEM Missionaries

如果神感動您支持我們的事工,請寫支票給CEM(China Evangelistic Mission, Inc)備錄 “吉爾吉斯斯坦”, 或要特別支持柏林長樂, 備錄 ‘John and Christa’,寄到以下住祉:

China Evangelistic Mission, Inc.
2400 Old Crow Canyon Road, Suite A6,
San Ramon, CA 94583-1214

Tel: (925)552-8088

Urgent prayer request

Dear all,

We need urgent prayers on the following:
1. Zena, Sophia's backup person is in the hospital - in pain with bladder infection and possibly bladder stone too. Not clear what else could be involved. Major setback for our ongoing work. (Please remember the condition of our medical facility).
2. Sophia has a great deal of pressure to handle all these- our ministry and her family needs as well as financial burdens.
3. Our team spirits - new people who are yet to work well with one another and learn to trust each other. Each worker of course has her own set of overwhelming problems at home.
4. License still unsettled but we are going to have the open house on 9/5.
5. Wisdom to handle Emily's visit from HK. Pray that we get along well and her visit is mutually beneficial and not an additional distraction or burden on our already overwhelming time.
6. God's healing, provision and protection during this challenging time.

Love in Him,
Christa & John
Christa Tsai
408-518-2019 (C) USA
996-556-744-286 (C) Kyrgyzstan
skype: christatsai